6 Months to Revolutionize Your Life: A Comprehensive Blueprint

6 Months to Revolutionize Your Life: A Comprehensive Blueprint

Everyone tells you to disappear for 6 months to change your life.

But they never tell you what to do in those 6 months. Here's what to actually do during that 6-month disappearance.

If you didn't know, the 'Disappear for 6 months' trend is basically where you take 6 months out of your year to focus on yourself and your goals. But most people just aimlessly post it for clout. They never actually tell you how to level up during that time.

The main aim of these 6 months is to get ahead financially, physically and mentally. So I'm going to tell you how to better your money, your body and your mind. Let's start.

-- Physically --

1. Hit the gym

Probably the most important factor in this thread. The gym is so much more than getting big. Every aspect of your life improves. Regardless of what you do in the gym, you should have a solid routine that builds your body in some way.

2. Get 8-10k steps per day

Not only is it great for weight loss. But like the gym, it's beneficial in every factor of your life. A daily walk in nature is where most of my best ideas have been birthed. Not only that, you get a break from the real world. Start walking more.

3. Start eating cleaner

Combine the gym, walking 10k steps and a clean diet together, and you'll have the body of a Greek God. That means no more processed foods. Meat, complex carbs, animal milk, no soy or seed oils. Healthy gut = Healthy body. Healthy body = Healthy life.

4. Take the correct supplements

Most people are deficient in one or more vitamins, minerals etc. I'd recommend supplementing:
  • Magnesium
  • L-Theanine
  • Vitamin B6
  • Omega 3
  • D3 + K2
  • Creatine
  • Boron
  • Zinc

5. Sleep 7-8-9 hours per night

Put it this way. Not enough sleep will negatively impact anything you do in life. Less muscle gain, less focus, less testosterone, less weight loss. Your daily life will be positively or negatively influenced by the amount you sleep. Sleep more.

6. Remove or limit all sources of stress.

Stress will not only melt your brain, but it will also melt your testosterone. If that's not bad enough, it can also contribute to blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Sleep more, argue less, lift heavy. Stress = Gone.

7. No blue light before bed

If you're constantly on your phone or watching Netflix before bed, you're going to be tossing and turning all night. Read instead or just turn them off 30 minutes before bed. Or get blue light-blocking glasses. Your circadian rhythm will thank you.

8. Hit your protein goal

Most people don't consume enough protein throughout the day. Resulting in zero muscle growth or in some scenarios the loss of muscle mass. Eat more meat. If you struggle to hit your protein goal for the day, supplement with whey protein.

9. Drink as much water as possible

The brain and heart are composed of 73% water The lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water. Muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery. Drink water.


1. Start meditating

No, you don't have to become a monk and dedicate your life to practicing stillness. Spending 5 minutes a day in your head organising your thoughts will suffice. Sometimes, thinking of nothing means everything. Listen to white noise if needed.

2. Non-fiction in the morning, fiction at night 

Start reading books. If you want to create, then you have to consume. So replace the consumption of TikToks and Netflix movies with books that will generally help you become better. I recommend Psycho-Cybernetics to start.

3. Take ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a herbal shrub that's been taking over the internet. Personally, I think it's a great stress reliever and can apparently increase testosterone. However, most people reported feeling numb after a while. Try it for a bit if you stress easily.

4. Listen to synth waves whilst working

Electronic music microgenre without vocals. Absolutely fire for focus. I once wrote an entire course in one day whilst listening to nothing but synth waves. The drug from Limitless if it were musical.

5. Start a journal

Start writing your thoughts down every morning or night. If you have a lot on your mind, start bulk journaling. Write every single thing that's on your mind and I guarantee you'll feel better. Great mental exercise.

6. Delete social media

UNLESS you use it for creation or monetisation. Otherwise, it's just a mental barrier. I no longer have Facebook or TikTok. Since, I no longer struggle with focus. Delete them from your phone if you struggle with procrastination. Mental prisons.

-- Financially --

1. Learn a high-income skill

Making courses and selling products will only make you so much money. Learn a high income like:
  • Web design
  • Copywriting
  • Fb Ads
  • Sales closing
Then provide that skill as a service to other people to help them make money.

2. Build your personal brand

If you have skills, you need somewhere to display and sell those skills. X is the perfect place. Start an account and make it all about you and what you can provide to others. Engage, tweet and sell your skills. I post about this every single day

3. Refine your offer

You may be the best web designer, copywriter or sales closer. But if you can't directly impact people with your skills, you won't sell. Instead of: "I make websites". Try: "I increase conversion rates for online coaches with 3-page website"

4. Send more dm's

Dm's are your best friend when it comes to making money. Promoting yourself on the timeline will get you clients. But sending personalised DMs and actually having conversations with people one on one will open up the door for more business. Dm people often.

5. Network with high-value people

Connections are more important than followers. I'd rather have a 1,000-follower account and know each and every one of those followers than have a 100,000 follower account with randoms. It's not about the numbers, it's about who you know.

6. Start investing

Instead of having your money sit in a bank account collecting dust, put it into crypto or stocks that pay you passively and hold long-term. Do your research first obviously. Wealth is a long-term game, so why not have assets that pay you forever?


In six months, you can revolutionize your life by improving your health, mind, and finances. It's about building a stronger body, a clearer mind, and securing your financial future. This journey is a commitment to lifelong success, not just a quick fix. Start today, and witness your transformation into the best version of yourself. Embrace the challenge and reap the rewards.


1. Can I really change my life in just six months?
Absolutely! With focused effort on your health, mindset, and finances, you can see remarkable transformations. It's about consistency, not speed.

2. What if I'm new to the gym or meditation?
Everyone starts somewhere! Begin with basics and gradually increase your intensity. There's plenty of resources to guide you—what matters is taking that first step.

3. Do I need to quit social media entirely?
Not necessarily. If it's not serving your goals or well-being, consider limiting your use or focusing on platforms that inspire or educate.

4. How important is networking for financial growth?
Very! Building relationships with like-minded individuals can open up opportunities you never knew existed. It's about quality connections, not just the number of followers.

5. Is investing risky when starting out?
All investments carry some risk, but educating yourself and starting small can mitigate that. Consider diversifying your portfolio to balance potential risks and rewards.

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