A Realistic Morning Routine for Success

A Realistic Morning Routine for Success

A couple of years ago, I was in a rut. My mornings were a mess. I'd wake up, snooze my alarm for half an hour, then grab my phone and start scrolling through Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. I'd see all these successful people and remember my goal of becoming financially free. Did I do anything about it? Nope. Instead, I'd roll out of bed and start playing video games, watching YouTube, or scrolling more on social media. Starting the day like that is a recipe for disaster. It's like beginning with a defeat, and that sets the tone for the rest of the day.

But there's an alternative. A morning routine. Now, I'm not talking about those extreme 3:00 a.m. morning routines where you work out for two hours, run back home, and eat a super healthy breakfast. If you can do that, great. But I knew I wouldn't be able to stick to it. And let's be honest, those extreme routines get more views, but they're not realistic for most of us.

So, let's talk about a realistic, productive morning routine that you can try. This is for those who want to start at level one. It's the morning routine that I started about two years ago, and it changed my life.

First things first, the morning routine starts the day before. Yes, you read that right. The most important factor of a good morning routine is the time you went to bed the day before. If you go to bed really late, you'll wake up sleep-deprived and have no energy for the rest of the day. I started going to bed around 10:00 p.m., which gave me enough sleep to not feel tired and sleep-deprived in the morning.

I'd wake up at 6:00 a.m., start brewing some coffee, and go to the toilet. Then, I'd go back to my room, sit on the floor, open up the Medito app, and meditate for 5 minutes. In the beginning, I couldn't even meditate for that long because my brain was so used to constant stimulation. I'd just sit there and wait out the time until it was done. But after a few tries, I was able to sit and focus for the full 5 minutes. The specific meditation I did was the daily meditation on the Medito app. I'm not sponsored by them; it's just the one I use and really like.

After my meditation, I'd go downstairs, get my cup of coffee, and go back to my room for some journaling. Specifically, gratitude journaling. This is where you write down things you're grateful for. The format is simple: "I am grateful for X because of X." For example, "I'm grateful for my computer because it has allowed me to work and make videos for the younger generation and change hundreds of thousands of people's lives."

In the beginning, it felt weird to just sit down and write things I was grateful for. But there are many studies on this exercise, and once you've done it for a few days, you start to become grateful for just random stuff in your life. The feeling of gratitude is like a peaceful version of happiness. It's not the kind of happiness we get from scrolling on Instagram or watching YouTube. It's just a peaceful, positive feeling. This exercise improves our mental health and makes us a more positive version of ourselves.

After journaling, I'd do 30 push-ups and 30 sit-ups. I talked about this in a previous video. The reason I did this was to start building the habit of working out. It doesn't matter what type of workout you do; the important thing is that you just do it. I started with 30 push-ups and 30 sit-ups because that was easy, and I could stick to it.

People who know about building habits will tell you that the best way to start is by doing a few small, easy versions of the habit every day. This works for all habits, whether it's meditation, gratitude journaling, or working out. Once we can stay consistent, we can start increasing the time we meditate, write more things we're grateful for, or make the workout harder.

These three things completely changed my life, and they were so simple. You don't need to wake up at 4:00 a.m. to change your life. Start doing this morning routine tomorrow. I know some people will find a reason why they can't do it tomorrow. Whatever reason your mind is telling you, if you're honest with yourself, you know it's not valid. So, tell your brain to shut up and start the change tomorrow.

This morning routine is about starting small and building consistency. It's about setting yourself up for success the day before by getting enough sleep. It's about taking a few minutes to meditate, to focus your mind and start the day with intention. It's about taking a moment to appreciate what you have, to cultivate a sense of gratitude and positivity. And it's about getting your body moving, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Give it a try. Commit to it for a week. See how you feel. I bet you'll notice a difference. And once you've mastered this level one morning routine, you can start adding more habits, increasing the duration of your habits, and leveling up to level two. But remember, start small, stay consistent, and be honest with yourself. That's how you change your life. One morning at a time.

So, what do you think? Ready to give it a shot? Let me know how it goes. I'm cheering you on. You've got this. Now, go set that alarm and get ready to start your new morning routine tomorrow. You won't regret it. Trust me. I've been where you are, and I know what's possible when you commit to changing your mornings. It's time to take control of your day, one morning at a time. You can do this. And I can't wait to hear about your journey. So, here's to better mornings, and ultimately, a better life. Let's do this.

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