Why You Should Study Human Psychology

Why You Should Study Human Psychology

The human mind is such a powerful weapon that if you use it well and gain control over it, you cannot even imagine where it can take you. To use it well, you first need to understand its functions and how it works. The study of the function and behavior of the human mind is called human psychology. Now, everyone should study it, but the problem is that most people consider human psychology an academic subject. They think that only those who become psychologists or who are involved in brain activities study psychology, but this is not the case at all. Psychology is a subject that everyone should study. Even big marketing companies manipulate our decisions by using this psychology. Psychology is useful in every aspect of our life, whether it is business, relationships, or dealing with people. Everywhere, you will need human psychology. Ultimately, we are all humans, and we behave in a certain way. So, think for yourself, if we understand the patterns of our mind and its behavior, we can control this powerful weapon of ours and reach its full potential.

Five Reasons to Study Human Psychology

Today in this post, I will tell you five reasons or benefits that will convince you to study human psychology. Believe me, friends, this is a subject that, if you master it, you can gain control over yourself and the world. I will make you convincing enough to start your journey of studying human psychology. So stay till the end.

1. Understand Ourselves

By studying human psychology, we can see a mirror reflection of our thoughts, emotions, and lives. We understand why we behave the way we do. This understanding is powerful because if you understand why you act in certain ways in specific situations, you can control your behavior. You can control your anger and direct it positively. For example, most of us may be outspoken at home but become speechless when speaking in front of many people on stage. There are many psychological reasons behind this. If you understand these reasons, you can control your behavior next time. Understanding the patterns of your mind and yourself can change your life. Oprah Winfrey, a famous American host and television producer, had a challenging childhood and struggled with depression for years. However, she completely changed her life using principles of human psychology. You will find many such examples on the internet where people have changed their lives with the help of human psychology.

2. Become Emotionally Intelligent

Humans are emotional beings filled with many emotions. What and how much we achieve in life depends on how we use our emotions. Every day we deal with situations where our emotions dominate us and make us do things we logically do not want to do. For example, when we have to get up early in the morning, logic says get up, but emotions say go back to sleep. When passing by a street vendor selling momos, logic says don't eat it, but emotions say eat it. Logic says to work, but emotions say watch the reels. Many such situations arise daily where our emotions make us do things that harm our body, mind, and life. To achieve stillness, silence, and success, we need to control our emotions and our fickle minds. This control is possible only when we understand human psychology. By understanding the trigger points of our emotions and how they dominate us, we can control our emotions.

3. Understand the Dark Side of People

You must accept that there are more bad people in this world than good ones. Whatever we do in life, we will have to deal with people, and it is not necessary that we will meet only good people. Throughout life, we will encounter many toxic people who will become headaches. Humans have two sides: one that they show to the world and the dark side they hide. This dark side contains all the negative emotions and insecurities. If you don't understand it, it can be harmful. However, if you understand it, you can deal with and control the other person well. Human psychology helps you identify the dark side of people. It also helps you master crucial skills like communication and leadership.

4. Tackle the Dark Side of the World

If I ask why you are not able to succeed in life, what will you say? Bad luck, inconsistency? The truth is you don't understand the dark side of the world. Many top people in this world never want you to get out of cheap entertainment like Reels or useless memes. Apps like Instagram are designed to keep you addicted. These companies spend a lot on understanding our psychology. Their teams of psychologists research what attracts us the most and what makes us more addicted. These apps play with your psychology, and that's why you get stuck in them. The top 1% of people don't want you to understand deep concepts like philosophy, psychology, and money because their existence will be in danger. Rational thinkers who ask questions are the ones who win in this world, and you can develop rational thinking by understanding human psychology.

5. Understand the Deep Concepts of the Mind

Our mind is a mysterious object with many unsolved mysteries. The biggest mystery is our subconscious mind, which is so powerful that it can help you achieve anything. However, this will happen only when you understand its functions and how it works. Studying human psychology helps you understand deep concepts of your mind, like the power of visualization, the sixth sense, the power of dreams, and the mystery of sex transmutation. Sex transmutation, the process of transferring sexual energy from physical to mental, is a secret of achieving greatness. Many great achievers and leaders like Vivekananda, Abraham Lincoln, Muhammad Ali, Steve Jobs, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nikola Tesla have mastered this art.

Books to Start Your Journey in Human Psychology

Now that you are convinced, I will tell you about five books to start your journey of studying human psychology:

  1. The Laws of Human Nature - by Robert Greene
  2. Thinking, Fast and Slow - by Daniel Kahneman
  3. Sapiens - by Yuval Noah Harari
  4. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - by Joseph Murphy
  5. Think and Grow Rich - by Napoleon Hill
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